marți, 30 septembrie 2008

My baby is over the ocean

My baby is over the ocean! In the US.
Maine vine my baby!!! Adica frati-miu, bah leprelor! :))
Abia astept sa vina, mi-e dor de el >:D< Adica dupa trei luni, parca vreau sa il vad. ;))

Dupa ziua de maine, voi mai avea un singur baby over the ocean, dar acest ocean reprezinta o distanta mai scurta. Totul este fain-frumos, in afara de faptul ca "baby" nu este in vocabularul meu... inca :))

Scumpi, mi-e dor de voi gen!!!
pupavash pe frunte :*

sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2008

Vine o zi

Vaginol mentol

Am vorbit eu si Andrei sa facem o afacere impreuna. Tigari cu aroma de pasarica pentru baietei, si tigari cu aroma de cocosel pentru fetite.
Daca le-am numi Vaginol, nu s-ar potrivi la cele cu aroma de cocosel. Inca ne mai gandim la nume, desi parca suna tentant Vaginol Mentol :> Urmeaza sa vedem daca vom avea succes.
Si cum ar fi sa fumezi o tigara pe care sa scrie "Ba, pula!"?

Btw... Sugestii de nume? :D

luni, 22 septembrie 2008


"Prietenia este un sentiment puternic,
mai puternic decat dragostea."
(Dorin Uritescu)


"Never let the fear of striking out
keep you from playing the game."

Trust yourself and don't give up,
you know you're better than anyone else.

Every me and every you

joi, 18 septembrie 2008

Walk on by

Bryan Adams - Walk on by


I heard that you're leavin - this sleepy little town
The bright lights must have caught your eye cuz you ain't hangin' round
Ya know people been talkin' - they say you're makin' a mistake
Gotta get on that greyhound and forget about what they say

Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by

I've heard bad things about the city and i'm told that they're true
Better watch out for those guys out there they're gonna hit on you
So don't talk to no strangers - no it ain't your style
Don't give up when the chips are down - just turn around and smile

Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by - ya walk on

You're old enough to know why - you're old enough to know why

Now you're standing at the station - got a ticket in your hand
Guess you got you're mind made up - gotta get out while you can
Don't say I never told ya - now the rest is up to you
Those streets can be like a battlefield - when it's hard to make it thru...

Just walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by

Walk on by - walk on by
You're a little bit lonely you're a little bit shy
Just walk on by

Walk on by - walk on by
Don't look over your shoulder - keep your head up high
Just walk on by

Walk on by - walk on by
You're a little bit lonely you're a little bit shy
Just walk on by


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